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The Bones Beneath the Face is a collaborative project by Edinburgh College of Art, the School of History, Classics and Archaeology and the School of Social and Political Science (the "bones collective") at the University of Edinburgh.
Still life photographs by Caroline Douglas (1-20), John Nowak (21-25) and Joan Smith (25-28).
Film, "The bones beneath the face", by John Nowak, with Linda Fibiger, Elena Kranioti, Diego Zamora and Gillian Taylor
"Short report on the Cranium and Mandible from the Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)" by Linda Fibiger
3D modeling, visualisation and 3D-printing of the skull by Elena Kranioti and Diego Zamora
Facial reconstruction by Gillian Taylor
Webiste designed by John Harries
Conceived of by Joan Smith and John Harries with Joost Fontein, based on an original suggestion by Jane Cheeseman
The "Bones Collective" is a network of anthropologists, archaeologists, artists and others who are concerned with the emotive materiality and affective presence of human bones, and invites broad and interdiscplinary discussions about the significance of bones within contemporary culture.
For more information about the "bones beneath the face" project contact: John Harries s
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